
What do you know about .NET memory management? Should you care at all? Yes, it is all managed and automatic and the Garbage Collector takes care of everything. That’s a great achievement of managed runtimes in general – they provide this super nice abstraction of memory that is just there and we do not need to think about it at all, right?

Well, yes and no. For sure you may for years develop business applications earning money and do not touch a topic of .NET memory management at all. I’ve been there too. But, there is always more. There is always some edge case, some scalability problem, a memory leak or just not efficient resources utilization (wasting money💸). I’m not here today to convince you to that, tough. There will be time for this 🙂

Today I just wanted to invite you to my new initiative – a small quiz about .NET memory management. 32 questions that may, or may not, shed some light on you in the context of this topic:

👉 Take a quiz 👈

Share your result, elaborate about questions! And as you see at the end, you can subscribe to the newsletter where I’ll be providing explanations of correct answers for every question.

And yes, this is a beginning of a bigger initiative https://dotnetmemoryexpert.com – more about it soon. In general, more and more GC- and memory-related content is coming!😍



I’ve decided to make a series of at least 8 free weekly-based webinars about in-depth implementation details of the .NET GC and… I’m super happy with it! Why the idea? Many my other activities are about more practical “.NET memory management”, like my book or workshops/trainings/consultancy I gave. But during all this practical-oriented events there is always not enough time to explain in details how .NET GC is implemented. Obviously, I always explain some concepts and algorithms, to the level that helps in understanding the whole concept. But not with the level of details that I am satisfied.

Hence the idea – make a separate content that will be just as deep as I like 🙂 So, I will cover details on the level of bits, bytes and source code, not only on the level of the overall algorithm description.

The first episode was yesterday, feel invited to watch:

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